Bhadra vastra samanya vasano mahaan kavir nivachani shansan
A vachyasva chambhoh puyamanah vichakshano jagrivi dev vitau
Translation: (Vichakshanah) The wise individuals (Avacyasva) do not reveal the worship of the Supreme Brahm through their words, instead, they guide towards another form of worship, leading people to a path that, instead of giving immortality, (Puyamanah) directs them towards another worship {such as worship of ghosts, ancestors, the three gunas (Rajo guna - Brahma, Sattva guna - Vishnu, Tamo guna - Shiva Shankar), and worships until Brahm-Kaal}. They make people drink this wrong knowledge (Chamboh) with respect. (Bhadra) The Supreme bliss-giver (Mahan Kavir) the complete Supreme God Kabir (Vastra) appears in a normal body and attire, which in saint language is called "Chola." (Samanya) The "Chola" means body, and when a saint passes away, it is said that they have left the "Chola." (Vasanah) In the form of an embodiment of radiant light, he lives like an ordinary person for a while, (Nivachani) by expressing true knowledge through his speech, (Shansan) revealing the hidden knowledge of the Supreme Being (Deva) of both Sagun and Nirgun aspects, (Jagravih) awakening others to this knowledge.
Meaning: Kabir God (Kavirdev) appears in this world to explain the true spiritual knowledge to the devotee community, who are immersed in harmful practices opposed to scriptural methods. He comes with a form of a light body, which cannot be perceived by ordinary vision, and lives like an ordinary person for some time, performing his divine play while revealing the knowledge of the Supreme Being.