
Jagjeevan Bodh

Kabir Sagar / Jagjeevan Bodh

Summary of Chapter "Jagjeevan Bodh"

The 10th chapter of Kabir Sagar, titled "Jagjeevan Bodh," begins on page 21. This chapter contains an extraordinary account of warning and awakening. Summarizing its essence is only a fragment of its depth; reading the original text offers a unique joy that shakes the soul profoundly. Below is the summary:


When the soul is in a human body within the mother’s womb, it gains awareness in the sixth month. During this time, it undergoes immense suffering. The feet are positioned upward, and the head is downward. The fetus is entangled in the umbilical cord and surrounded by dirty blood. Whatever sour, spicy, or pungent food the mother eats causes intense irritation for the baby, like salt on wounds. The child weeps silently because no sound can escape. In this condition, it squirms in pain.

Saint Garibdas Ji of Chhudani described this suffering as follows:


Saheb (Prabhu) se chitt laale re man garbh gumaani.
Naabhi kamal mein neer jama tera deenha mahal banay.
Neechai jathraagni jalai thi, wahan teri kari sahay.
Neeche sheesh charan oopar koon, wo din yaad karay.
Daant nahin jab doodh diya tha, ami maharas khay.
Baahar aaya bhram bhulaya, baje toor sehnay.
Daai aayi ghoont piyaayi, maata god khilay.
Tuhi tuhi to chhod diya, ab chala adham kis raahe.
Dwaadash varash khelte beete, phir linha vivaah karay.
Taruni naari se gharbaari, chaalya mool ganvaay.
Kaare kaag gaye ghar apne, baithe shvet bughaay.
Daant jaad tere ukhadh gaye hain, rasna gayi taturay.
Jo din aaj so kaal nahin, aage phir Dharmaray.
Nar se phir tu pashuva keejai, deejai bail banay.
Chaar pahar jangar mein dolai, to nahin udar bharay.
Kaandai joova jotai kuwaa, kondo ka bhush khay.
Sir par seeng diye man bore, doom se machhar uday.
Phir peeche tu khar keejai ga, kurdi charne jaay.
Tooti kamar pajawai chadhai, kaga maans khilay.
Sukhdev ne chauraasi bhugti, kahaan rank kahaan ray.
Jai Satguru ki sangat karte, sakal karm kati jaay.
Daas Gareeb Kabir ka chera, shabdai shabd samay.

Translation: When the soul enters the mother's womb, it endures immense suffering. The feet are positioned upwards, and the head is downward. During that time, the soul remembers the Supreme God and prays. However, upon birth, it becomes ensnared in Kaal's trap and forgets the promise it made to the Supreme God—that it would engage in His worship, never forget Him, and plead to be freed from this suffering.

Us samarth ki reejh chhupai, kul kutam se raata.
Garb ke andar vachan kare the, kahan gayi wo baata.

Meaning: When the soul was in the womb, it cried out to God and promised devotion in exchange for relief from its suffering. God, pleased with its prayer, safely delivered it from the womb. Now, engrossed in family ties and worldly attachments, the soul has forgotten God. Though it created a family with a young wife, it has forsaken its promise to the Divine. Eventually, death will come, and the soul will face the judgment of Dharamraj. Dharamraj will remind the soul of its broken promise to God, and the soul will plead for another human birth, promising not to repeat its mistakes. However, Dharamraj, weary of hearing such excuses, will condemn the soul to the life of an animal, like a bull or a donkey. Had the soul sought refuge in the true Guru and performed devotion, all sins would have been absolved, and it would have attained residence in Satlok.

Story of King Jagjeevan

There was a king named Jagjeevan. When he was in his mother’s womb, he cried out to God for relief from the immense suffering he endured there. Hearing his plea, God Kabir came to him and said, "O devotee! You remember me only in times of suffering. When you are happy, you forget me and become engrossed in wealth, pleasures, and idle pursuits. Had you remembered me even in times of happiness, you would not have had to endure such hardships."

Kabir, dukh me sumiran sab karen, sukh me karai na koy. Jai sukh me sumaran karain, to dukh kahe koon hoy.

Jagjeevan began to plead with the Supreme Being.

Jagjeevan's Words 

Sahib sankat door nivaaro, main nij khanajaad tumhaaro.
Dil mein karuna karai atibhaari, ab mohi Sahib lehu ubaari.
Karai astuti bahutai sudhilaavai, tum binu khavind kaun chhudaavai.
Ab dukh door nivaaro Swami, kaul karoon Prabhu antaryami.
Baahar nikaaro aadisanehi, bahu dukh paavai meri dehi.

Main jan Prabhu ko daas kahaoon, aan dev ke nikat na jaaoon.
Satguru ka hoy rahoon chera, dam-dam naam uchaaroon tera.
Nit uthi Guru charan-amrit leoon, tan-man dhanai nichhavar deoon.
Jo main tan so karoon kamaai, ardhmaal main Guru hi chadhaai.
Kubuddhi seekh kaahoo nahin maanoon, haraam maal zahar karijanoon.

Kul ki tyagoo maan badaai, nirmal gyaan ek sant sagaai.
Raat divas aise lav laaoon, karat phurat bhakti Guru karaoon.
Dukh sukh parai so tan se sahoon, bhakti dridhai Guru charnai rahoon.
Partriya taakoon nahin koi, janani bahan kari dekhoon soi.
Dusht bain kabhoon mukh nahin kholoon, sheetal bain sada mukh boloon.

Swaas-uswaasmo ratna laaoon, aan upaay eko nahin chaoon.
Tan-man dhan nichhavar deoon, Satguru ka charan-amrit leoon.
Satguru kahain soi ab karihoon, aagya lop paaon nahin dharihoon.
Aur sakal bairi kar janoon, Sadguru kahin mitra kar maanoon.

Gyaan bataavai soi Gurudata, tan-man dhan arpoon un taata.
Tan-man dhan main unko deoon, nit uthi Guru charan-amrit leoon.
Yahi garbhavas mein kaul badhaaoon, baahar nikaaro dhur nibhaoon.
Jo main chhooton garbh vaasahi, tan-man arpoon Guru vishwas hi.

Ek naam saancha kar maanoon, aur sabai mithya kar janoon.
Kaha astuti karo Gusai, bahut dukh paavat hoon ya thaai.
Yahaan koi mitra nahin bhaai, maatu pita nahin log lugai.

Devi-dev ki kachhu na chaalai, Guru bin kaun karai pratipaalai.
Ab to khabar pari yahi thaahin, aur kisi ki chaalai naahin.
Pichhli baat main hriday jaani, koi kaahuka nahin re praani.
Apne saath chalega soi, jo kachhu sukrit kare so hoi.

Mad maaya mein jeev bharmaaya, so to koi kaam na aaya.
Bahut vichaar kiya main soi, antkaal apno nahin koi.
Aisi karuna karai vichaara, daya karo dukh bhanjan haara.

Meaning: In a previous life, Jagjeevan was a disciple of Satguru Kabir Ji. He practiced devotion but later, due to societal pressure and concern for his reputation, he abandoned the shelter of Satguru and resumed traditional forms of worship. He also indulged in worldly pleasures. As a result, he fell back into the cycle of birth and death. When he entered his mother's womb, he faced great suffering and remembered Satguru.

The soul suffers greatly in the womb and gains awareness around the sixth month. It begins to experience pain and pleasure. In the womb, Jagjeevan’s soul called out to the Supreme Being, praying: "O Supreme Being! I am in immense pain. Without You, I have no one. O Lord! Relieve me of this suffering. O All-Knowing Lord! I pledge to remain Your servant. I will never worship any other deities besides You. I will not approach other gods.

"O Satguru! I will always remain Your disciple (student). With every breath, I will chant Your name. I will take the nectar of Your feet daily. I will dedicate my body, mind, and wealth to You. Whatever I earn—whether through hard work, business, or employment—I will donate half of it at Your feet. O Lord! Please deliver me from this womb. After that, I will never heed the advice of wrong teachings.

"I will consider ill-gotten wealth—earned through bribery, theft, or deceit—as poison and never touch it. I will renounce societal pressures, reputation, and false pride. I will associate only with saints, devotees, and Satguru. Day and night, while performing worldly tasks, I will chant Your name. If hardships arise in human life, I will endure them while continuing to remember You and chant Your name. I will not distance myself from Your feet.

"I will never look at another’s wife with evil intent, instead seeing her as my mother or sister. I will never utter harsh words and will always interact with love. I will follow every command of Satguru Ji and never disobey His instructions. I will consider everyone else as sweet enemies and only regard Guru Ji as my true friend, as today no worldly person can save me from this suffering. Only through the grace of the Guru and God can I be rescued.

"Today, in this state of dwelling in the womb, I am making these pledges. I will uphold them even after being born and throughout my life. I will believe in the truth of one Name and consider everything else false.

"In this womb, I have no friend, no wife, no husband, or any companion. ('Here, no friend or brother is present. No mother, father, or spouse exists.') I remembered the deities, but they expressed their helplessness, stating that everyone must bear the consequences of their actions, and they cannot assist.

"They advised me to remember any Guru I might have had in the past. If that Guru is a complete Guru, a representative of the Supreme Being, then He will surely assist me. No one else has any power here."

Devi dev ki kuchuna chalai. Guru bin kaun kare pratipalai.
Ab to khabar pari yahi thanhi. Aur koi ki chalai nahin.
Pichli baat main hriday mein jani. Koi kahuka nahi re praani.

I now recall the events of my past life in my heart. In the suffering of the womb, no one stands by us. Only virtuous deeds (good karma) prove to be companions. I have now fully realized and accepted that, O Lord, at the end of life, there is no one but You who is truly ours. O pain-relieving Lord! Have mercy on me. Relieve me from the suffering of the womb.

Sahib's Speech

Tab sahib yon kahai pukara. Kahi samajhaya tohi baarambara. 
Anek baar garbh mein aaya. Tain rati karm bharam nahi paya.
Kai baar tain kaul baindhava. Kai baar tain garbh mein ava.
Garbh mein gyan upaja hai tohi. Sankat mein sumire sab kohi.
Bahar niksi nahi upajey gyana. Andhakar ahankar samana.
Aneak baar bhulana bhai. Nahin satguru ki rit nibhai.
Garbh baas mein kaul bandhava. So kaise tain na bahar nirbava.
Bahu sankat mein tohi upeje gyana. Bahar nikasat sab visarana.
Joi jiv guru kaul nirvahai. Soi nahi garbhvaas mahan aahai.

Meaning: Lord Kabir Ji spoke to the soul suffering in the womb, saying, "I have explained it to you so many times, yet you do not listen. Now that you are in great distress, wisdom has awakened within you. But as soon as you are free from this suffering, you forget everything, especially God. After going outside, even when I try to teach you, my wisdom does not enter your heart.

Bahu sankat mein tohe upaja gyana. Bahar nikal sab hi visarana.

Now, you appear wise in your current suffering. But once you are comfortable, you will change. In some past birth, you performed my devotion. That is why I am lightening your suffering to some extent. Keep this in mind for the future."

Lord Kabir Ji, being the kind-hearted savior of the downtrodden, is the father of every soul and fulfills a father’s responsibility by rescuing souls in distress. It was for this reason that He relieved Jagjiwan’s soul of suffering. However, as soon as the soul emerges into the world, it gets trapped in the web of Kaal and falls into forgetfulness again.

Lord Kabir Ji, being merciful, repeatedly tries to awaken souls. Either by Himself or through His servant in the form of saints, He spreads the glory of the Supreme Being to souls. Through spiritual discourses and texts, He ensures His message reaches them.

Jagjiwan was born in the house of a king. After becoming a king, he had thousands of elephants, horses, and luxurious comforts, yet he forgot God. The king had a nine-lakh garden that had been dry for twelve years. Lord Kabir Ji entered the dry garden, sat down, and appeared to be in deep meditation. The trees in the garden had dried up, and the wood was being used for fuel. But the garden became lush and green again.

Witnessing this, people informed the king. The astrologers said that a saint must have come to the garden, and because of his presence, the dry garden had turned green. When the king learned of this, he went to see the garden. The garden spanned 4 kos (12 km) in length and 3 kos (9 km) in width. Upon searching, the king found Lord Kabir Ji sitting in meditation.

The king bowed at His feet, and Lord Kabir Ji opened His eyes. The king exclaimed, "I am truly fortunate. The Ganges has come to the thirsty. You have revived my garden."

Lord Kabir Ji replied, "O king! You are praising me in vain. I merely sat here to meditate, seeing the green garden."

The king responded, "O Lord! This garden had been dry for 12 years. Now I recognize You." He gestured for a palanquin to be brought and respectfully carried Lord Kabir Ji to his palace. Servants carried the palanquin while the king placed one of the saint's feet on his shoulder out of reverence.

Once at the palace, Lord Kabir Ji imparted spiritual knowledge. The entire royal family, including the king, his 12 queens, and his four sons, took initiation. Lord Kabir Ji revealed Satlok (the eternal realm) to the king. The king described it to his family. They all pleaded, "O Satguru! Take us there immediately."

Lord Kabir Ji then said:

Kahe ko hath karat ho bhai. Sabhi hans suno chit laai.
Deh dhari ab karo sukh vaasa. Sada rakho nij naam ki aasha.
Ghar mein rahkar kul karm nibhaho. Jo sab sachchi mukti chaho.
Satguru kahai suno re bhai. Sabhi raho naam lau laai.
Sada rahun main unke paasa. Dharai dhyan jo satlok ki aasha.
Itna bachan satguru sunaava. Sabko dhyan videh samajhava.
Inki main ka karun badai. Ye to sab nij hansa ai.
Nischy baat hamari mani. Kaya maya khakai (mitti) jani.
Satguru hans ko lok chadhai. Sahas athaasi dwip dikhai.
Jehi jehi hans savari kaya. Dwip dwip sab drishti bataya.
Dekho hans kah sab asthana. Dekho dwip sabhi man mana.
Sabhi hans kare pachtawa. Yah gati ham wahan nahi pava.
Lai hansan ko pahunche tahnva. Mahapurush (bade parmatma) viraje jahva.
Sakhi-dwip varnan kaha kahaun, Sabain manoroth kaj.
Sab dwipnate nyar hai, Satyapurush ko raj.


Jab hansan ko le pahunchaye. Tab satpurush uthi kanth lagaye.
Jabhi purush ank bhari lina. Paras deh sab hansan kina.

Lord Kabir Ji instructed King Jagjiwan and his family, "Engage in devotional practice while also fulfilling your worldly duties. When the time of your life is complete, I will take you to Satlok (the eternal realm)." They all devoted themselves to lifelong spiritual practice and ultimately attained an immortal body in Satlok, achieving complete salvation.

Now, let us read the original verses. (Some parts of the original text are fabricated and have been omitted, as they are not the authentic words of the Satguru.)

Dharmdas Vachan-Chaupai

Dharmdas kah sunahu Swami. Kaho garbhaki sthiti antaryami.
Kaise jeev garbh mein aave. Kaise jeev jathar dukh paave.
Kaise jeev parvashai bhayoo. Kaise indri deh banayoo.
Kaise jeev apne pad darasai. Kaise jeev samrath pad parse.
Kaise jeev kaul bandhave. Kaise Sahib darshan paave.
So sab bhed kaho Guru gyani. Ghat bhitarka bhed bakhani.


Kahain Kabir suno Dharmdasa. Tum ghat bhali buddhi parkasa.
Pratham satya naam gun gaaoon. Ghat bhitar ka bhed bataoon.
Sabhi jeev garbh mein jaave. Kaul bandh kai baahar dhaave.
Chooke kaul garbh ka bhai. Barambar garbh mein jaai.
Nau Nath siddhi chaurasi bhaari. Unhoo deh garbh mein dhaari.
Nau avataar Vishnu jo leenha. Unhoo garbh vasera keenha.
Taitis koti dev kahaye. Garbh vas mah deh banaye.
Yogi jangam au tap dhaari. Garbhvas mein deh sawaari.
Garbh vas tab chhute bhai. Jab samrath Guru baanh gahaai.

Garbhotpatti Varnan (Pustak 22)

Naari purush bandhe sanyoga. Kaambaan lagi dehasukh bhoga.
Saat dhaatuka ang banaya. Jihna daant mukh kaan upaaya.
Haath paav ru shees nirmaaya. Sundar roop bani bahu kaaya.
Nakh shikh kaahoo nar bahu keenha. Dashahi dwaar yukti kari leenha.
Dash dwaar nau naadi banayi. Aise sabtar bandh lagaayi.
Deenha thek bahattar bhaari. Naadi bandhan bahut apari.
Naad binduso kaay nirmaayi. Taame prakriti aan samaayi.
Hadd kaarigar hunar keenha. Jaise doodhmein jaaman deenha.
Teenso saath chaar bandh laayi. Solah khanai taha banayi.
Solah khanai chaudah darwaza. Hunth haath gadh khoob viraaja.
Chhaaje mahal adhikhi chhaaja. Taame jeev jo aani viraaja.
Ajab mahal bahu khoob banaya. Chhathe mahine hans chitvan laaya.
Chhathe maans mein surati aayi. Dukh sukhki tab paarakh paayi.
Chhayi maasko bhayo jab prani. Dukh sukhki mati sabai pehichani.
Ondhe mukh jhoole latakanta. Mail bahut tah kiich rahanta.
Jathar agni tah bahut sataavai. Sankat garbh tah ant na aavai.
Bahut saankari pinjaar pooi. Tadphadai bahut nikse nahin joi.
Mukhson bol nikse nahin aavai. Vilaap kari man mein pachitaavai.
Arujhai shwaas roavai man maahi. Kaun karmgati laagi aahein.
Vilaap kare man mein pachitaave. Jyon kareeb kanth karda baithave.
Taa dukhki gati kaasu kahijai. Karm unmaan tahai dukh sahijai.
Yadi aalokh karai manmaahi. Sangi mitra koi deekhat naahi.
Pichhla janam jab soojha bhai. Tab jeev dilma chinta aayi.
Stri mitra kutumb parivara. Sut naatee aur jo pyaara.
Sangi sujan bandhu au bhai. Garbh ki cheenh pari nahin taai.
Maha dukh so garbh mein paave. Bahut vairag hiyamaai aave.
Jab jeev garbh mein gyaan bichara. Ab main sumaroon sirjan haara.
Soch moh vij kachu na keejai. Ab satguru ka sharan leejiye.
Jeev apne dil maahi bichare. Tab samrath ko keen pukare.
Sunu Dharmdas yak katha sunaoon. Yak raajakoo jas bane banaoon.
Raay Jagjeevan taahikar naama. Jab wah pahunchyo aehi thaama.
Karan vinti laagoo adheeru. Satguru kahain tab keenhi teru.

Jagjeevan Vachan

Sahib sankat door nivaaro. Main nij khanaazad tumhaaro.
Dil mein pukar karai atibhari. Ab mohi Sahib lehu ubaari.
Karai astuti bahutai sudhilaavai. Tum vin khawind kaun chhudaavai.
Ab dukh door nivaaro Swami. Kaul karun Prabhu antaryami.
Baahar nikaaro aadi sanehi. Bahu dukh paave meri dehi.
Main jan Prabhuko daas kahaoon. Aan dev ke nikat na jaaoon.
Satguru ka hoy rahoon main chera. Dam dam naam uchaaroon tera.
Nit uth Guru charanamrit leoon. Tan man dhanai nichawar deoon.
Jo main tan son karoon kamai. Ardhmaal main Guruhin chadhaai.
Kubuddhi seekh kahoo nahin maanoo. Haraam maal zahar karijaanoo.
Kulki tyaagoo maan badaai. Nirmal gyaan ek sant sagai.
Raat divas aise lav laaoon. Karat furat bhakti Guru karaoon.
Dukh sukh pare so tanse sahoon. Bhakti dddhai Guru charanai rahoon.
Partriya taakoon nahin koi. Janani behan kari dekhoon soi.
Dusht bain mukh kabhii nahin kholoon. Sheetal bain sada mukh boloon.
Swaas uswaasamoon ratna laaoon. Aan upaay eeko nahin chaaoon.
Tan man dhan nichawar deoon. Satguru ka charanamrit leoon.
Satguru kahain soi ab karihoon. Aajna lop paoon nahin dharihoon.
Aur sakal bairee kar jaanoon. Sadguru kahin mitra kar maanoon.
Gyaan bataavai soi Gurudata. Tan man dhan arpoo un taata.
Tan man dhan main unko deoon. Nit uth Guru charanamrit leoon.
Yahi garbhvas mein kaul bandhahoo. Baahar nikaaro dhur nibaahoo.
Jo main chhootoon garbh vaashee. Tan man arpoo karoon Guru vishwashee.
Ek naam saancha kar maanoon. Aur sabai mithyaa kar jaanoon.
Kaha astuti karoon Gusaaee. Bahut dukh paavat hoon ya thaai.
Yahaan koi mitra nahin bhai. Maatri pita nahin log lugai.
Devi Devki kachu na chaalai. Guru vin kaun karai pratipalai.
Ab to khabar pari yehi thaahi. Aur koi ki chaalai naahi.
Pichhli baat main hriday jaanii. Koi kaahookaa nahin re prani.
Apne saath chalega soyi. Jo kachu sukrut kare so hoi.
Madh maya mein jeev bharmaya. So to koi kaam na aaya.
Bahut vichar kiya main soyi. Antkaal apno nahin koi.
Aisee karuna karai vichara. Daya karo dukh bhanjar haara.

Sahib Vachan

Tab Sahib yon kahai pukara. Kahi samjhaaya tohin baarambara.
Anek baar garbh mein aaya. Kabhu nahin tain kaul nibhaaya.
Kai ber tain kaul bandhawa. Kai baar tain garbh mein aawa.
Garbh mein gyaan upja hai tohi. Sankatmein sumire sab kohi.
Baahar nikasi nahin upjai gyaan. Andhkaar ankhkaar samaan.
Baar anek bhulaana bhai. Nahin Satguru ki deeksha paayi.
Garbh traas tab chhute bhai. Jab Satguru kahain baah samaayi.

Jagjeevan Vachan

Ab naahiin bhooloon Guru deva. Tan man laay karoon Guru seva.
Mokoon baahir kaadhho swaami. Kaul na chookoon antaryami.

Satguru Vachan

Kaul bol sab chaikas keena. Tabhi garbh so bahar leena.
Navain maas jo baahar aaya. Log kutumb sabhi sukh paaya.
Sabhi harsh karain man maai. Putra hetu sab karain badhaai.
Baaja baajai karai uchhaawa. Geet naad aadhike chitaaawa.
Sabai sajan mil gud bandhawa. Raat samay tiya (triya) gangal gaawa.
Nagarlok sab karain badhaai. Ghar ghar saaje dei lugaai.
Ghar raajake janam so paiya. Kaul kiya so sab bisaraiya.
Parijan mile sabhin kare pyaara. Sabhi gyaan bhulavan haara.
Taaka naam suno re bhai. Maha jaal ke phandh phandaai.
Jhoothe jhoot mile sansaara. Narak kund mein naakhan haara.
Yeh sab jhoothe paakhnd saaju. Insuun sare na eeko kaaju.
Saakhi—Kahain Kabir sab chetahu, aage kaal karaal.
Aal janjal tum chhadike, pichhle kaul sambhaal.


Saakhi-Ye tere mitra nahin, sab vairee kari jaan.
Ubra chaho kaalate, Guruhii mitra kar maan.


Ek varsh lagi dol dolave. Pashu roopmein janam ganwaave.
Ukhaljiibh tottala bole. Maatu pita sab harshit dolai.
Aaj janjal bole bhakhave. Tyoon tyoon harsh hiye maahi bhaave.
Baahar bheetar uubha dhaave. Baahar bheetar dauraa aave.
Kanchan ghoonghuru beeg garhai. Resham keri door poawaai.
Balan sang mein khelan jaave. Naach kud ke gharhi aave.
Manmein anand karai chanchalai. Soch fikar kachu vyaape naai.
Dwaadash varshki bhayi hai dehi. Anant upaay karai nar kehi.
Pragatai kaam kaaya ke bheetar. Soch fikar nahin vyaape antar.
Agh (paap) karai bahut ahankara. Nirakhai tiriya ghar ghar dwaara.
Parvash dooti aani milaave. Jor karai to pakri magaave.
Agh karami hoy tan dolai. Jor bahut garb (garv) so bolai.
Aankhin maarai darshai loi (naari). Gyaan dhyaan ki sudhi na hoi.
Guru charcha ke nikat na jaave. Hansi maskharisoon man bhaave.
Jhoothi baat karai labraai. Taason hetu karai mitraai.
Saakhi-Yah nar garv bhulaaiya, dekhi mayaako jhaul.
Kahai Kabir sab chetahu, sumar paachhlo kaul.


Pehle vivaahi ek lugaai. Bahut prem sang taahi livai.
Vishay vivek phir upja bhaari. Pichhe vyaahi sundari naari.
Angsaroop kaamini adhikaai. Kaamatur va sen rahe lapatai.
Maha anand bhaye man maahi. Ek palak sang chhaaden naahi.
Karai khawasi kahat hai daasi. Bandha moh jaal ki faansi.
Khidmatgaar saheli ghani. Kai naayika kai raamjani.
Nau-nau khandke mahal banaye. Sona keri kalas chadhaaye.
Kari bichhaawan tahin barbhari. Gaadi takiya bahut apaari.
Nit nit triya nai sanyogaa. Khaan paan aur shat ras bhogaa.
Mata vishay ras kachu na soojhai. Bhairon bhoot sheetla poojhai.
Bhoolai kaul garbh mein bandhii. Ab chakachand aayi aandhi.
Sabhi jeev kaulkari aawai. Baahar nikasi sab bisarawai.

Satguru ke Aagman

Aise jeev bhool rahe saare. Tab Satguru aai pag dhaare.
Jeev chitaavan Satguru aaye. Aleedaas dhobi samjhaaye.
Aur hans bahut chetaaye. Phirat phirat Paatanpur aaye.

Satguru reaching Patanpur

Satguru aaye Paatan thaun. Jagjeevan raay basai tehi gaun.
Raay na maane bhakti vichaara. Hanse bhaktko baarambara.
Bhakt roop sab shahar nihaara. Kou na maane kaha hamara.
Tab aapan man keen vichaara. Kaise maane shabd hamara.
Jaai baag mein aasan keenha. Gupt rahe kaahoo nahin cheenha.
Dwaadash varsh bhaye baag sukhaane. Sulge kaasht hoy puraane.
Chaar kos tehi baag lambai. Teen koski hai chaidai.
Tahan jaay aasan ham keenha. Raho gupt kaahoo nahin cheenha.
Tahan main kautuk as kiya. Sukhe baag hara kar diya.
Vikse puhup jeev sab jaage. Sabne hariyar dekha baage.
Maali ko jaay kai deen badhaai. Jaaga bhaag tumhaara bhai.
Dekha baag jaay tehi baara. Phal phoolan ka ant na paara.
Harsha maali baahar aaya. Dekha baag bahut sukh paaya.
Phoolan chhaab bhari dui chaari. Naana vidhike phool apaari.
Naana vidhike mewa laaya. Lai maali darbaare aaya.
Baitha raja sabha manjhaara. Umraawanko tahaan nahin paara.
Maali sab lai dhari rasaala. Raja pooch kare tatkaala.
Kaun desh tain maali aaya. Phool anoop kahaanse laaya.
Kaun baag ke phalan vishekha. Kaano suni na aankhan dekha.

Maali Vachan

Nau lakh baag hara hoy aaya. Phal prasun sab naye banaya.
Sunike raja harsha bhaari. Sang uthi chali praja saari.

Raja Vachan

Kahu diwan yah kaun prakaara. Samajh bhoojhike karo vichaara.
Jyotishi pandit sabhi bulaye. Patra pothi sabhi laaye.

Jyotishi Vachan

Lagan sodhi sab aisi kahi. Koi purush yah aayi sahi.
Hai koi nar kai koi pakheru. Sodho jaay baag sab heeroo.
Khoja raay baag ke maahi. Baithe sant yak dhyaan lagaahi.
Raja jaay dhara sir paayi. Nagar bhareki praja aayi.
Kahe raja dhan mero bhaagaa. Darshan paay amar hoy laagaa.
Aalsi ghar Ganga aayi. Miti gayi garmi bhayi shitlaayi.

Satguru Vachan

Tab rajaason kahi pukari. Sun raja ek baat humaari.
Ham ko na bhaar chadhaao bhai. Kahe ko tum dehu badhaai.
Achha baag vimal ham cheenha. Taaso aaye aasan keenha.
Aisa tumhi baag banaya. Naana vidh ke rukh lagaaya.
Aasan kiya dekhi ham thaari. Bahut phool phalki adhikaari.

Raja Vachan

Phir kai raja shees navaaya. Dwaadash varsh bhaye baag sukhaaya.
Sookha baag bhaye bars baara. Nahin koi hamra chaala chaara.
Chhaadi phal phoolan ki aasa. Koi na aave baag ke paasaa.
Tum samarth pag dhaare aayi. Hara hua baag sab thaai.
Raja kahai daya ab kijai. Mokoon muktidaan phal deejai.
Mere mastak dharhoo haathaa. Main rahoon Satguru tumhaare saathaa.

Satguru Vachan

Tumko kaul bhulaana bhai. Kiya so kaul gaya bisraai.
Sankat garbh mein baacha deenha. Baahar nikas karm bahu keenha.
Kiya kaul jab gaye bhulaayi. Tab ham aayke charit dikhayi.
Bahut vidh baat kahi chetaayi. Baahar nikasi buddhi palataayi.
Tumko to kachu soojhat naahi. Phanda mohjaal ke maahi.
Aavai yam dash dwar moondi. Tabhi baandh giraye moondhi.
Soch bhoojh dekh man maahi. Itne mein tera kaun sahaahi.
Ghar ghar ham sab kahi pukari. Koi na maane kahi humaari.

"O King, when you were in your mother's womb, you had vowed that you would not engage in anything other than devotion. In that moment of distress, you cried out and lamented, saying, 'O Lord, relieve me from this suffering.' But when you came out of the womb, you forgot your vow. Under the influence of physical desires and animal-like instincts, you committed numerous wrongdoings. You forgot the grace of the True Guru, and, entangled in worldly pleasures, you became blind, and Maya completely destroyed your wisdom.

When the messengers of Yama come to bind your ropes (to drag you to hell), who will assist you at that time? Who will rescue you from them? O King! Think and understand that those whom you consider your friends—who among them will be your helper then? Who will save you from hell?

In the womb, I explained all this to you, but, O fool! You have forgotten everything. I called out to you in every house, yet no one heeded my words. Upon hearing this, the King spoke..."

Raja Vachan-Chaupai

Ab to Guru hohu sahai. Mokon yamsay lehu chudai.
Sabhi karam bakshkai deeje. Doobat mohin ubarke leejay.
Sain kari palki mangayi. Lai Sadguru ko mahin bithayi.
Paanv ughar kaandh dhar leenha. Tabhi mahal payana keenha.
Sadguru pag dhar mahalke mahin. Sab raaninko raay bulaahi.
Samaratha darshan deenha aani. Dhanadhan bhagya tumhaaro rani.
Sadguru ko palangaa baithayi. Sab mili paanv pakharo aayi.
Raja bhakhe sheesh navaayi. Mokon rakho Guru sharnaayi.
Kariye Sadguru jeevko kaaja. Daya karo main laoon saaja.
Ab ham sharna leib tumhaari. Daya karo tan dukhata hamari.

Satguru Vachan

Tab kahe Satguru lehu sanbhaari. Raja sunhoo baat hamari.
Kas chale raja lok hamare. Main nahin dekhun lagan tumhare.
Kotin gyaan kathe asraara. Bina lagan nahin jeev ubara.
Jo koi boojhe bhakti hamari. Taako chahiye lagan sanchaari.
Jaise lagan chakor ki hoi. Chandr sneh angaar chugoi.
Aise lagan Guruse hoi. Dharmaraay shir pag dhar soi.
Tum to ho motay mahaaraja. Kaise chhodihou kul maryada.
Kaise chhodihou maan badaayi. Kaise chhodihou mukh chaturayi.
Kaise chhodihou haathi aswaara. Kaise chhodihou dravya bhandaara.
Kaise chhodihou kaam taranga. Kaise raajse karo man bhanga.
Kaise chhodihou kanak jiwahira. Kaise chhodihou kul parivara.
Tum to unki baandhi aasa. Hum to raja kathain niraasa.
Bhakti kathin kari na jaayi. Kahe ko hirs kart ho raai.

Raja Vachan

Raja kahe doo kar jori. Suniye samarath binti mori.
Nagar ke sab shat varan bulaoon. Yahi avsar sab maal lutaoon.
Tum to kahyo baahar levu vaasa. Main to dehki chhodon aasa.
Amrit vachan piyao aani. Hans ubaar karo nirbaani.
Nagar kotki chhodi aasa. Nish din rahoon tumhaare paasaa.
Hukum karo soi main laoon. Karo daya main sheesh navaoon.
Umang uthe harshit man mora. Thakat bhaye jan chakor chakora.
Sookha baag jo phal prakaasha. Tabte poori manki aasha.
Kasni kaiso son sahoon shareera. Tabhoon preet na chhodoon teera.
Jo tum kaho so bhakti karaoon. Aajna karo to sheesh chadhaoon.
Main ho jeev paap karm bahu keena. Kaise yamsay kariho bheena.
Ginat ginat nahin aave cheena. Barambar main augun keena.
Aisa karam kiya main bhaari. Kaise yamsay leho ubari.
Ek baat Guru kahau vichari. Mosam patit aage koi taari.
Tab Sadguru bahut vihsane. Phir rajasoh nirnay thaane.

Satguru Vachan

Yugan yugan bhavsagar aaoon. Jo samjhe tehi lok pathaaoon.
Shabd hamara maane koi. Tau nahin jaayi yampuri soi.
Itni baat kahi samjhaayi. Dil raja ke preet samayi.

Raja Vachan

Dhanya bhag mera kul karma. Kotik yajna kiyo tap dharma.
Satguru aayi darshan mohi deenha. Boojhat hans ubaar kai leenha.
Ho Prabhu mor karo nirvera. Main to charan kamal ka chera.
Kahu sandesh nagar mein bhai. Jag jeevan raay lokko jaayi.
Negi jogi sabhi bulaayi. Aur nagar ki parja aayi.
Chandanka singhasan keenha. Chaika poor Kalash dhari deena.
Satguru shabd uchare leena. Yukti saaj gadi pag deeina.
Sab raaninko begi bulaayi. Kari dandavat Guru charana aayi.


Sab rani binti karen, sunu samarath chit laayi.
Maha akarmi jeev ham, sabhi lehu muktaayi.

The Four Princes (sons) Were Initiated'

After this, the king called his four princes, and after testing them, Lord Parmeshwar initiated them. Speech:

Chhadi'dar Vachan

Chhadi'dar kahai kar jori. Raj kunwar sunu vinti mori.
Raja rani guru charanai aaye. Taate tumko begi bulaaye.
Garbhaawas se karai niruwara. Turat chalo jani laavo baara.
Jahan Satguru aasan keenha. Kunwar chaar aai darshan leenha.

Satguru Vachan

Tab Satguru as bachan uchara. Shishya hoy saunpum bhandara.
Shishya hoy saunpai dehi. Lok dweep ki gamya tab lehi.
Tan man dhan ko neh na aavai. Tab jiv lagan jaimuni paavai.
Tab raja man harsha apari. Karahu shishya jaao balihari.

Kunwar Vachan

Kunwar kahai vilamb kim saarun. Aajna karo ho shees utarun.

Rani Vachan

Rani man mein harsha ananda. Maanon uge kotik chanda.
Tan man se karihon guru seva. Hamko shishya karahu guru deva.

Satguru Vachan

Sarv bhed main tohi bataya. Virle hans bhed yah paaya.
Tum son hans kahun samjhayi. Gupt bhed na baahir jaayi.
Ab ham prithvi parikrama jaavein. Bhule hansan ko rai chitavein.
Tum raja baithi raj karao. Saar shabd japan chitt lao.

Raja Vachan

Jab Satguru teh aiso kahiya. Tab raja man chinta bhaiya.
Raja charan dharyo tab aayi. Tum binu kaise rahun gusai.
Hamko rakho charan lagaayi. Nahi dehu satyalok pathayi.

Satguru Vachan

Satguru kahai suno mor bhai. Ham sange raho lai jaun livai.
Sada raho hansan ke pasa. Hamko rahai hansanki aasa.
Deh so darshan tumhen diye rai. Videhi hoy sang rahun sadai.
Videhi darshan jab hans paave. Dekhi darsh hoy adhik uchhaave.
Satguru chalan khabar sab paava. Dheere dheere sab hans aava.
Aaye hansa vinti karahi. He Sahib ham dheer kas dharahi.
Jo tum jao Satguru Sahib. Ham bhi sang sab tumhare aayab.
Tum binu guru kaise rahi jaave. Jal bin machhi jyon tadpave.
Ham paaye anand darshan tumhare. Ham ko na chhodo swami hamare.

Satguru Vachan

Kahe ko hath karat hau bhai. Sabhi hans suno chit laayi.
Deh dhari ab karo sukh wassa. Sada rakho nij naam ki aasa.
Ghar mein raho kul dharm nibaho. Jo sab saanchi bhakti tum chaho.

Parivaar ke Sab Jeevon ke Vachan

Mata pita triya nahi chahiye. Sut naari se nahi neh lagaiye.
Satguru tumhi hau yak saacha. Jhooth aur sakal jag kacha.
Bina darsh so dukh ham paavein. Nit charan-amrit kahaan se laavein.
Tum binu deh chhuti so jaave. Kahin Guruvachan bahuri so paavein.
Bina darsh vyarth jagki maya. Sabhi chhute nahi chahiye kaaya.

Satguru Vachan

Satguru kahai suno re bhai. Sabhi raho naam lau laayi.
Sada rahun main unke pasa. Dhare dhyaan jo saanchki aasa.
Suno hans gaho pad saanchi. Dhyaan videh mein rahi ho ranchi.
Itna bhed Satguru batlawa. Sabko videh dhyaan samjhawa.
Dhyaan paai anand sabai bhayoo. Satguru darsh pratyakshi payoo.
Tum son raja kahun chitayi. Raho sada shabd lavlai.
Chale guru samarth jehi baara. Ravai hansa bhahein jal dhaara.
Jaise rank ka ratan churana. Jaise bhujang mani visarana.
Maanee Satguru aajna leena. Videh dhyaan Guru darshan deena.
Dhyaan paai guru karen sab bhakti. Kaal jaal sab chhuti yukti.
Kete divas aise chali gayoo. Tabhi raja aagam payoo.

Along with the king’s family, the ministers and servants also took initiation. Everyone devoted themselves wholeheartedly to devotion and adhered to discipline. When the time came and the spiritual practice was complete, and when Lord Kabir commanded to go to Satlok, all the disciples were filled with excitement, just like people going to a wedding procession. The king announced in the city that all the people of the town should come, as we are going to Satlok. The time has come for what we have been doing worship for.

Raja Vachan

Jehi kaaran ham bhakti karaai. So din ab pahunchaa hai aai.
Taal pakhawaj vegi lai aao. Shabd chalawa mangal gaao.
Baaja baaje bahut badhaai. Sabai triya mili mangal gaai.
Sab hi lok khabar yah paai. Raay Jagjeevan lok sidhayi.
Paatan nagar mein bahut uchhaawa. Ghar ghar triya kare badhaawa.
Baithai raja aasan dhaari. Jure hans jahan bahut apari.
Le parvaana bandagi keena. Sabhi hans parikarma deena.
Rani paanch kuwar doy jaana. Daasi chaar hajoori saana.
Chaar pradhan saat umraau. Prohit doy hiyai man bhaau.
Itna jan parvaana leena. Raja sang so pyaana keena.
Pavat veera jiv nistaareu. Amar lok kahn pyaana dhaareu.

The king, along with five queens, two sons, four maidservants, four ministers, seven noblemen, and two priests, all were taken to Satlok by Satguru Kabir Ji. There, in His own second form, He praised the devotees in the presence of the Supreme Person (Sat Purush). He said:

Satguru Vachan

Inki main ka karun badhai. Ye to sab nij hansa aayi.
Nischay baat hamari maani. Kaaya maya khaakai (mitti) jaani.
Satguru hansko lok chadhaayi. Sahas athaasi dweep dikhayi.
Jeh jeh hans sawari kaaya. Dweep dweep sab drishti dikhaya.
Dekho hans keh sab asthaana. Dekho dweep sabhi man maanaa.
Sabhi hans kare pachataawa. Yah gati hum wahan naaheen paawa.
Lai hansan ko pahunchaye tahnwa. Mahapurush (bade Parmatma) viraje jahanwa.

Sakhi-Dweep varnan keh kehau, sabai manohar kaaj.
Sab dweepante nyaar hai, Sat Purush ko raaj.


Jab hansan ko le pahunchaye. Tab Sat Purush uth kanth lagaaye.
Jab hi Purush ank bhar liina. Paars deh sab hansan kiina.

Satguru Kabir and Sat Purush are one and the same; performs both roles

Apart from Raja Jagjeevan's group, others also followed Satguru Kabir Ji. In total, there were four thousand seven hundred fifty-two (4752). Among them, two hundred remained at Mansarovar. The reason was that they had performed little devotion. Mansarovar lies along the way, where all devotees are made to bathe. The bodies of those whose devotion is complete shine with the brilliance of sixteen suns. Those whose devotion is incomplete have bodies that shine like four suns. They remain at Mansarovar and do further worship. If their attachment to the world remains, they are reborn. They can even become kings, but eventually, they fall into the trap of Kaal and destroy their births. To enlighten them about the glory of devotion and to free them from the trap of Kaal, Sat Purush Kabir Ji comes into the world. Such devotees soon adopt devotion and attain liberation.

Just as king Jagjeevan's family, his servants (maidservants), and ministers were similar to Hans (elevated souls), they too joyfully renounced the possessions of Kaal, recognizing them as foreign, and went to Satlok with Satguru. It is also clearly mentioned in the Amrit Vani that Satguru Kabir Ji and Sat Purush are one and the same, and they both perform their respective roles. The Vani says:

Satguru aru Purush bhaye jab eka. Sab hansan aankhan dekha.

Now, read the other Amrit Vani.

Purush Vachan

Kehai Purush gyaani bhal aaye. Itne hans kavan vidhi laaye.

"Gyaani (Satguru Kabir) Vachan"

Tum jaano Purush puraana. Main kehi mukh son karon bakhaana.
Chaar hazaar saatsou baavan paaye. Ete hans darsh tuv aaye.
Sabhi aaye lok manjhaara. Dui sai roke dharm batpaara.
Kaul kiya puni gaye bhulaayi. Paaji dwaar dharm par jaayi.
Maan sarovar keete rahaye. Unko dehi naahi banaye.
Aur dweepan sab keen basara. Jaisi hansan deh sanwaara.
In tan man so badla keena. Shishya hoy in vastuhi leena.
Kasni kasi so tan badle cheenha. Guru ko in sab vash kar leena.
Jeevat mrityak hoy rahe jagmaahi. Jaise daras tumhaara paahi.
Sunike Purush harsh bahu keena. Phir phir hans ank bhar leena.
Kaah deu tohi hans badiayi. Tum amar lok chali aayi.
Adhar singhasan aasan paaye. Sab hansan shir chatra dharaye.
Harshit badan aur bahut hulaasa. Sadaa raho tum hamare paas.
Baithayo maha purush darbaara. Solah soor hans ujiyaara.
Amrit phalka karo ahaara. Dhany hans baddhaag tumhaara.
Satguru aru Purush bhaye jab eka. Sab hansan aankhan dekha.
Kahe hans aap Prabhu hamon laaye. Hum tumko parakh nahi paaye.
Kinhi leela Saahib saari. Kaise jaane jeev vyabhichaari.
Apna baalak peeta dil laave. Aur kaun izalat udaave.
Koti-koti kinhi pranama. Jeev udhaare poorn Raama.

"Purush Vachan"

This story also provides evidence that Lord Kabir Ji comes into the world again. He himself is the Supreme Being (Satpurush). He himself is the knowledgeable one, the natural servant, and assumes the form of the victorious yogi.